About Kou Bone Setter Office

Open: 8:30 am Close: 11:00 pm

   Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat  Sun  Pub
 8:30~11:30  〇  〇  〇  〇  〇  〇  休  休
 16:30~23:00  〇  〇  □  □  〇    休  休

※Please make a reservation by phone, etc.


Available in English.可用中文

Available for traffic accidents

In case of traffic accident

  • Treatment fee is free.
  • Compensation fee of 4,200 yen per hospital visit
  • open until 11pm.You can go to our Setter Office after work
  • Available in English.可用中文
  • We can take care of infants and children.(Kindergarten teacher/Nursery teacher licenseり)
  • You can have treatment with various health insurance

    Please ask the director for details as back pain and stiff shoulders other than injuries may not be covered by insurance.

    There is a very close relationship between bones, health, and beauty, and recent medical research has also revealed this.
    Cause bones are the foundation of the human body, deterioration and distortion of bones have adverse effects on the whole body, accelerated aging, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, and deterioration of cognitive functions, and in the worst case, threaten life itself. It will be.

    By keeping the bones that form the basis of the body in good health, Kou Boneshoin brings out the essential health of human beings.We will support you to stay healthy and youthful forever.

    こう接骨院 Kou Bone Setter Office

    Director Kohki Suzuki

    At our Bone Setter Office, we listen to the symptoms of each patient in detail, and perform treatments that are close to the patient.We will explain why it hurts and why you have this kind of symptom, and we will start the treatment while understanding the treatment policy, so you can use it with peace of mind.if it hurts, or if you think it is weak, we will adjust it, so please do not hesitate to tell us.

    Those who suffer from these symptoms

  • I had a car accident and went to the hospital, but the pain did not go away.
  • I come home late from work and can't go to the hospital even if I want to.
  • No abnormalities are found in detailed examinations such as X-rays, but there is pain and discomfort.
  • I want to cure my whiplash.
  • Tiredness, fatigue, drowsiness, etc. due to traffic accidents cannot be relieved.
  • There is no abnormality in the bones, but there are dizziness, headache, nausea, etc.
  • The pain caused by sprains and bruises does not subside easily.
  • Pain and stiffness in the joints of the arms and legs.
  • I was suddenly unable to move due to a strained back.
  • I am suffering from mental illness such as depression.
  • Sometimes you get irritable, depressed, or sad for no reason.
  • I am suffering from stiff shoulders and back pain.
  • I can't go to the hospital because my child is small and I can't take care of it.
    ※At our hospital, we have qualifications for nursery teachers and kindergarten teachers, so you can leave your children with peace of mind.
  • English and Chinese are available. You can have the treatment with confidence.
  • Updates/Announcements

    Renewal of the website of the bonesetter's clinic.
    HP full renewal.Renewal of the website of the bonesetter's clinic.NEW

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    phone: 0587-23-8826

    Reception: Mon~Sat : AM 8:30・1:30、PM4:30~PM11:00

    Holiday: Sunday、Public Holiday

    URL: http://kou-bone.com/

    email: kou.sekkotsuin@gmail.com